Week 2
This week the children wrote letters to Baby Bear from Goldilocks to say sorry for breaking his chair and eating all his porridge. They are having lots of fun in the role play area acting out the story and taking on different characters. During our Natural Learning afternoon yesterday we built shelters and the Three Bears moved in very quickly. The children made lots of porridge, very lumpy, and it was great to see all the imaginative play going on.
We are starting to make a Traditional Tales display to go up in the library and the children have been busy painting a bridge for the goats, houses for the little pigs, characters from the stories and the Giants Castle at the top of the beanstalk. Next week we will make lots of trees to go into the woods.
In phonics we have learnt three new sounds, ai, ee, igh. Please keep practising these at home with your children. We also had one phonic session this week for playing games which the children enjoyed, cooperating and taking in turns whilst segmenting and blending cvc words.
In maths we have been finding 1 more and 1 less from a number using concrete objects and number lines. The children are getting very good at ordering our number line to 20 correctly on the radiator.
I think we all managed to remember our wellies, waterproofs and hats on Thursday - well done everyone! Don't forget for next week!
On Thursday next week the Space Dome is coming into school for the day and the children will all have a session inside it, learning about the planets. Our turn is in the morning so we will still be outside for the afternoon.