Week 3
In science we have been learning about materials. The children have been learning the names of different materials e.g. wood, plastic, metal etc. and having to identify what different objects are made from. Last week we played an eye spy game outside seeing what we could find that was made from a variety of materials. This week we discussed why we make things from certain materials and not others. They began to learn some words to describe the properties of materials e.g. rigid, flexible, soft. Up in the wildlife garden they then had the chance to build dens using the tarpaulines, ropes and sticks. They had to think about whether they needed things that were flexible or rigid to make their design. One group even used the picnic table as a 'rigid' frame for their den!
On Thursday the children had their first forest school session with Mrs Thompson which they all enjoyed. They were learning about different trees and built hedgehog houses in the hope we will get some hedgehogs hibernating.
We have continued to learn about place value in maths. Next week the children will move on to addition. In literacy they have written a letter imagining they are living on a ship. They have talked about climbing the rigging, scrubbing the decks, mending sails and the excitment of arriving on an island to dig for treasure!