Week 9
Our focus in literacy this week has been on non fiction books and finding out information. The children have each chosen a mini beast and they have been finding information and writing about them. During phonics we have focused on our high frequency and tricky words. Please do still keep practising these at home.
We have played some doubling and halving games in maths and had a go at counting in 5s.
Our butterflies hatched on Tuesday and we released them into the wildlife garden. It has been great to watch the complete life cycle of a butterfly and the children have all understood how they change during their lives.
On Thursday the new reception children came in for the morning so Seahorses went to Sharon in preschool. They had a great time playing the games and using the resources they had had during their time in preschool.
During art we have finished painting our snails and started making some butterflies. The snails look amazing!
This terms learning exposure will be on Wednesday 19th July 2:15-2:45. On Thursday 20th July we will be having a dress up as a bug day - so choose a mini beast and create a costume! On that Thursday we will have a picnic lunch in the field with our buddies from year 4.
Don't forget the summer fair is tomorrow from 11:00-2:00 - there will be lots to do.