Week 10 - Literacy
In literacy this week have have been very productive, completing many activities such as rhyming words and continuing our phonics learning. We have revisited the sound blends (adjacent consonant sounds) and hung our balloons on the vocabulary tree. The children were asked to think of five words that began with each one and record them independently on their whiteboards. We also looked at our Eco, Recycling & the Environment topic words of the week & these were - Earth, environment, waste, compost & biodegradable.
We have been very lucky to have been given our own caterpillars to look after this year and the children have been observing them as they have changed and commented about each stage of their lifecycle, from caterpillar to butterfly. The children were able to colour in their own butterfly pictures, complete a lifecycle picture, read the words & match them to the correct stage and then also wrote independently about the lifecycle in their own words.
Our weekly story has been 'Dear Earth' and the children have been thinking about and writing to Earth and letting her know about the things that they really like on Earth and what they could do to help save Earth. The children have been encouraged to used capital letters, finger spaces, full stops & connecting words to extend their sentences.
At the end of the week it was time to release our fully grown butterflies. The children carefully helped the butterflies out of the net and then let them fly into the wildlife garden.
"The butterflies are so beautiful and we have looked after them so well. Its sad to say bye to them, but we can visit them in the wildlife garden".
"I like learning about the caterpillars turning into butterflies. Look at my beautiful colouring, it has symmetrical wings & I stayed in the lines".