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Week 6

Our story this week was Why Kangaroo Jumps and we gave talked about animals unique to Australia and looked at some aboriginal art work. The children have begun their own piece of art in the aboriginal style which they will complete next week.


During literacy we have had a go at writing our own story to explain why an animal has a certain characteristic e.g. why giraffe has a long neck, why cheetah can run fast etc. The children worked really well with their chatty chums and came up with some great ideas in their stories. 


In maths we have begun subtraction work with both years 1 and 2 and the children have been using manipulatives to help them in their learning. 


The high light of our week was a visit from Hanna Trevorrow who runs DASP music. She visited with a variety of instruments including a violin, chello, oboe, clarinet, flute and trumpet. She talked to the children about the different instruments of the orchestra and they were all able to have a go at playing some of them.  If any of your children have been enthused to start learning an instrument do contact DASP music as they have teachers available for many instruments. 


