Week 12 - Sinking Science and Wonderful Winterbourne Woodlanders!
This week Beech Class have continued with floating and sinking experiments - although this week they were trying to design boats that would float!
Each pair was given some silver foil and the challenge of building a boat to carry as many dinosaurs and stones as possible. I think the record was about 20 dinosaurs and 5 stones (or 28 dinosaurs and 2 stones!)
Lots of fun was had and we managed to rescue all of the sinking dinosaurs who fell off their boats.
Today was Winterbourne Woodlanders which the class had together, meaning I was able to join them. The activities and opportunities that the children get through this is amazing and as always they loved their time in the wildlife area. Thank you Mrs Thompson. It was great to see them having so much fun, working together and cooperating, following instructions and learning outdoors.
I have sent home some holiday homework for the children to pick and choose from, please try and complete two or three of the ideas, and bring in some work to share in September. Year 2s Mrs Austin and Mrs Derby will be looking forward to seeing yours.
Have a fabulous holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone in September. May the sun shine!