Sharing of work 26th March
Good Morning Dolphins
Thank you very much to everyone who has been sharing their learning at home with me. It's lovely to see what you have been up to and how busy you all are. Lots of you have been doing PE with Joe Wicks and others have been getting out in the sunshine for walks and observing wildlife. We are lucky with the weather at the moment so make the most of it.
Yesterday my children and I watched Wellbeing Wednesday week 1 on The Art of being Brilliant You tube channel. Although I think you are all brilliant already, Dr Andy Cope who is a Doctor of Happiness has lots of positive things to say about how to keep our minds active and healthy. He ends by asking you to make a list of 30 things in your life that make you happy. I'm busy making my list now, maybe you'd like to share yours with me. Remember to ask your parents if they are happy for you to watch.
Keep busy, keep learning and keep sharing. If you are happy for me to include any of your photos on the blog, please let me know. Have a look at painting by James and the poem Fleur has written.
Best wishes
Ms Braidwood

My name is Corona Virus I jump hand to hand
If you don't want me you might as well wash your hands
Don't go to parties because I like to spread
Stay at least 2m or you will end up in bed.
Keep your arm on your mouth when you cough or sneeze
Otherwise I'll give you my breathing disease
Follow my poem and I'll stop growing
Let's use our imaginations to find some vaccination.
by Fleur