Week 11 - Understanding of the World & Physical Development
The children have taken part in many different forms of physical activities this week from kite making, football and rounders in PE and making natural crowns and pushing marshmallows on to toasting sticks to make smors. All of these activities were in addition to their usual fine and gross motor activities that take place inside & outside.
In their kite making, the children practised their fine motor skills by folding, sticking, cutting & threading. They then really enjoyed running down the hill using their gross motor skills to fly their kites.
In PE the children have been practising their kicking, dribbling, throwing, hitting & catching skills, using their gross motor and hand to eye co-ordination skills.
In outdoor learning, the children took part in many activities that supported both their knowledge & understanding of the world and their physical development. They made crowns from natural materials that they collected from the wildlife garden, built shelters & made smors by carefully toasting marshmallows on the fire and then placing it between two biscuits, they were delicious!
"We played football to practise kicking, I enjoyed scoring goals".
"It was a bit tricky to make the kite, but Mrs. Rogers helped me. I liked flying my kite outside".
"We made crowns and marshmallow biscuits, I liked roasting them".