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This week we have been looking at non-fiction books to find out more facts about minibeasts and then use these in our writing activities. We have been learning about the contents and index pages and how to use these when we are looking for information. We have also recapped upon our knowledge and recognition of capital letters and the alphabet which helped us to put the minibeasts in alphabetical order by name.

In maths we have been learning about the concept of 'Part, Part, Whole' so that we are familiar with it when we move up to year 1 in September. We are now able to use this independently and know that two parts can be combined to make the whole number and can be reversed to calculate subtraction problems.

In outdoor learning we had lots of fun making spider webs with sticks and wool. We collected sticks, tied them together with the help of the adults and then weaved the wool around the sticks to create a web. We also collected sticks and stones to form numbers and to help us see which is more or less and longer or shorter.

We learnt about the Artist Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement. We have created our own minibeast pop art which is displayed in our classroom. First we drew our minibeasts on white paper and then we photocopied them on to four different coloured pieces of paper, to then stick on black paper.
