Week 3
This week the children were introduced to the story 'A squash and a squeeze' by Julia Donaldson which has led to lots of exciting activities! The children enjoyed acting out the story together using the puppets.
We discovered what it felt like to 'squash' and 'squeeze' by filling plastic squeezy bottles with pom poms and dried beans. The children were keen to use tweezers and spoons to fill them up and squash and squeeze them all out.
The children had a go at scooping out the insides of a butternut squash - they discovered it was tricky as the flesh was quite hard but they showed great determination - Well done Starfish class!
Our tuff tray was transformed to a farm scene where the children helped to add soil, sawdust and grass for the animals to discover. The children had a fantastic time exploring this together which encouraged lots of lovely language.
The children were keen to use the scales to weigh farm animals, straw and sticks - they estimated which objects would weigh the heaviest and the lightest.
We enjoyed getting messy and painting our hands to create farm animals - please take a look at our window display.