Week 2
Beech Class is continuing with the Knights and Castles topic. In Literacy this week, we studied William the Conqueror and his competitors to the throne. The children discussed the merits of each and wrote a summary of why they should or should not be king.
We learned about life in a castle and about the Battle of Hastings. Living in a castle sounds glamorous but we learned that castle life was not as luxurious as it may sound!
Our maths learning has varied between year groups. Year 1 have been practising counting in twos, tens and fives as these are important foundation steps for learning about multiplication and division. We will continue with this next week.
Year 2 have learning learning about position and direction in Geometry, and described the position and direction of shapes in patterns.
Our Art lesson involved some preparation for our Coronation celebrations. The children have decorated bunting and flags. We will do more next week.
In RE, we learned about what Jewish people do and do not do on Shabbat. We talked about the importance of this and what it means in Judaism.
In Science we examined different materials and talked about the suitability of these for different purposes. As part of this, we talked about metal and the armour that was worn by knights.
Remember, we have a bank holiday this coming Monday, so we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. Have a lovely break!