Week 5
We started the week by looking into and celebrating Chinese New Year. The children enjoyed having ago at writing different Chinese numbers as well as creating their very own paper plate dragons. This week in Blossom Class our topic book has been 'Boats Are Busy'. Throughout the week the children have been up to various boat themed activities, starting the week with painting their very own sailing boats using very small paintbrushes to be sure to stay in the lines. We have also been busy exploring what happens when you mix dry sand and water alongside experimenting with different weighted objects to see whether they float or sink. The children have also loved playing with the small world pirate ship and pirates which has helped support our understanding of our new sound of the week 'P'. The children were able to identify the different sounds and animals in the small world play beginning with the sound 'P' such as 'pirate', 'penguin' and 'peg'. Later on in the week the children decided that they wanted to be 'real' pirates, so they got busy building their very own pirate ship using materials and creating their very own pirate hats, telescopes and treasure maps. Once the children had carefully created their maps they went on a treasure hunt around the playgrounds, finding the treasure in the front playground by following their maps. The Blossom children have also practised their bike and trike skills this week by riding them around the playground being careful not to bump into one another. As well as the bikes and trikes the children have explored the front climbing frame where they have been built up their confidence in climbing up and down the steps and going down the slide.