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This week the children were introduced to their new class topic of 'Celebrations'. Next Friday it will be Sidney the class seahorse's 5th birthday party and therefore many of our activities have been based on the preparation for this, in addition to Bonfire night.

We have had lots of firework activitites such as mark making in the glitter tray, making firework pictures for the outdoor area, building a fire to sit around, drinking pretend hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows on the sticks.

In literacy the children have been writing invitations for their favourite toys, inviting them to come to Sidney's party. They were able to record all of the information needed such as the name of their toy, date, time, where, who the invite is from and who the toys have to reply to.

In maths we have been learning about counting out and how to do this with objects to match number cards. The children have been practising counting out up to 20 and beyond, working both in their groups and independently. In mental maths activities we have continued our Big Number song up to 30, making number lines with Numicon and show me 4 fingers on your hands and then show me the same number in a different way.

The highlight of our week was our trip to Thomas Hardye school where we took part in the 'Whizz, Pop, Bang, Rockets and Space' science enrichment activities. What a fantastic opportunity to visit our local secondary school and to receive such a warm welcome from all of the staff there. We watched some amazing science experiments such as a mock rocket taking off, a jelly baby being used as fuel and what happens when a flame is sprayed with different chemicals and how the colour changes. We then took part in experiments ourselves, making mini rockets that took off and alien slime by mixing chemicals and food colour with glue. We all had a really enjoyable morning.

Please do have a look at your child's learning and development on Tapestry, we are uploading observations daily.


Things to remember for next Friday, the 15th of November -

Bake & Cake Sale in aid of Children in Need

Sidney the seahorse's birthday party, children to bring in their toy.

Show & Tell as us usual for Swordfish.

