Week 5
This week our focus story has been 'The Rainbow Fish' and the children have enjoyed lots of activities based around the book. In literacy the children have been ordering the characters on their story maps, in the order that they appear in the story and then recording the names of the fish and sea creatures.
In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and their characteristics. The children then enjoyed using the different coloured 2D shapes to decorate the fish template to create their 2D Shape rainbow fish.
During PE this week, the children were given the opportunity to use the climbing apparatus, practising their skills in climbing, balancing and jumping off of the equipment and landing safely.
We were very fortunate during outdoor learning this week as the rain held off and we had lovely sunny afternoon to enjoy many activities such as playing with the mud kitchen, hunting for minibeasts and lollipop sticks that had been hidden around the wildlife garden.