This week we have focused on the children's fine and gross motor skills. They have enjoyed taking part in Storycise (a daily story with actions), using the climbing apparatus, PE with Mrs. Moore and lots of 'Funky Finger' activities to help develop strong muscles in their fingers, hands, wrists and arms (as well as their core muscles), in preparation for letter formation and writing activities.
Our topic is now 'Food and Farming' and the children have really enjoyed playing in our class farm shop. They have been writing themselves shopping lists and then buying their fruit and vegetables. We have a till with money, so the children have been looking at the price lists and using their money to pay for the things that they would like to buy.
We are in the process of setting up Tapestry online Learning Journals and will begin uploading observations for you to view shortly. If you haven't already done so, please activate your link to Tapestry and you will then be able to see your child's learning and development.