Week 8
The children have all settled well into Dolphins class over this half term and all made a really good start to the academic year. Thank you to all the parents who were able to make our learning exposure yesterday, it was lovely to see you all and the children loved being able to share their classroom with you.
In literacy this week the children have created a class book on animal facts using the research they started last week. We have also read the poem The Sound Collector by Roger McGough and written our own poem based on the sounds of a safari. The children all came up with fantastic ideas. The clattering of the zebras, the hissing of the snakes, the chattering of the monkeys etc.
In maths Year 1 have focused on both 2D and 3D shapes, learning their names and properties. Year 2 have started to learn about tally charts, pictograms and block graphs.
In art the children were able to choose what they wanted to paint using techniques that we have looked at over this half term. This afternoon the children spent some time creating Christmas cards which they will bring home for you to look at and decide if you would like to order them. This was organised by the PTFA and raises funds for the school.
Have a happy half term. Don't forget, the children are back in on Tuesday 5th November as the Monday is a teacher training day.