Week 10
On Tuesday the year 2s went to The Thomas Hardye school to meet the author and illustrator Lucy Volpin. The children listened to her talking about being an author and the studio where she works and then had a go at drawing 'Crocodali', the main character from one of her books.
Thursday was our transfer day and our current year 2s moved up to year 3 for the morning and met their new teacher Mrs Austin. Year 1s became year 2s for the morning and were joined by the new year 1s. Again it was a great morning seeing how the class will work in September and sharing what we do in Dolphin Class with the other children.
On Thursday afternoon we had a visitor who bought in lots of artefacts and replica clothing that would have been worn by servants and nobles in a castle 500 years ago. The children had great fun guessing what some of the pieces of clothing were and how they were worn and thinking what would have been used by servants and what things only wealthy people would have had.
Next Wednesday from 1pm is our sports afternoon - all are welcome.
Next Thursday is our dress up day and parent exposure form 2pm onwards and we look forward to seeing you all then.