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Week 1

In Personnel, Social & Emotional Development this week, the children have been learning about & sharing their own knowledge of 'What 's safe to go onto my body'. Initially we discussed things that we might put on our bodies at different times of the day such as pyjamas, slippers, clothes, coat, hat, scarves & outdoor clothes. We then drew a picture of Cherry our class doll & stuck the pictures on to different parts of her body, thinking about whether they are safe to go on to our bodies & if not, why not, for example soap. The children decided that it's okay to use it on our bodies & face, but not to put it in our eyes, ears, nose or mouth. We then spent some time thinking about that things we can put on our bodies to - protect them, keep them clean & those that help to keep their body safe, e.g. washing with soap to keep safe from germs, putting on warm clothes to keep safe from cold weather & sun cream.
